How To Rig & Fish A Trout Magnet (Lakes, Streams & Rivers)

Fishing with live worms or fish eggs is an awesome way to catch fish but the problem is that you’re constantly having to rebait your hook. The reason I like using a Trout Magnet is that it kind of looks like a worm but the little grub is not going to come off the hook. In this post, I’ll be talking about how to rig and fish a Trout Magnet in lakes and streams.

Another thing I really like about this bait is that it’ll catch pretty much everything. It’s called the “trout” magnet but I’ve used it to catch crappie, bass, panfish, and even some saltwater fish. The kit comes with a range of colors so you’re pretty much covered for everything. I’m going to be going over my favorite colors, the gear you’ll want to use, and how I like to fish them.

What Is A Trout Magnet

A Trout Magnet is a little half worm grub that’s put on a 1/64 oz jig head. It comes as an 85 piece kit that has 15 hooks and 70 grubs. There are 5 gold, 5 black, and 5 silver hooks and the grubs come in gold, bubblegum, chartreuse, chartreuse/orange, black/green, pink, and white.

I think there are smaller and larger kits but the 85 piece set is what I got. Like I was saying before, you can use a Trout Magnet to fish for pretty much anything that’ll eat a worm. That’s essentially every single smaller fish out there.

What Is The Best Color Trout Magnet

There are a bunch of different colors you can pick from and I have caught a fish on all of them. If you’re fishing in the right area at the right time of year, the fish will bite pretty much every color. I have noticed that a few were a bit more consistent than others and it does depend on what type of fish you’re after.

My favorite Trout Magnet for trout fishing is the white grub. Trout are normally in pretty clear water and they do have decent eyesight. That’s why it’s important to pick something natural looking. I’ve always had the best results with silver or gold-colored lures for trout, and the white is pretty close.

Trout Magnet For Trout

My favorite Trout Magnet for bass fishing is the black and green grub. The reason I like using black grub is that it works well in all water conditions. It’ll work in super clean lakes but it’s still effective in mud-filled ponds. If I could only pick one color for bass fishing it would definitely be black.

Trout Magnet For Bass

My favorite Trout Magnet for crappie fishing is the gold grub. Crappie does have really good eyesight and that’s why it’s important to blend in as best you can. I’ve been able to catch them on the bright colors as well but the gold seems to be the most consistent in all conditions.

Trout Magnet For Crappie

I think those three colors work the best because they’re a lot more natural-looking. Those are the colors fish are already used to and what they’re already eating. This is pretty much the case for all lures and baits. If you are fishing a super muddy body of water then something bright might work better. On a nice sunny day, I’ve had the best results with the natural colors.

Trout Magnet Vs Crappie Magnet

The makers of the Trout Magnet also have a kit for crappie. It’s essentially the same thing but it’s slightly bigger. You have the option to pick between 1/32 oz and 1/16 oz jig heads. The grubs are also slightly larger as well.

If you’re only going to be fishing for crappie and bass then I’d get the 1/16 oz crappie magnet. You’ll be able to cast it a bit better and it should help you hook into more fish. If you’re doing any sort of trout fishing then the Trout Magnet will be much more effective. The good news is that you’ll still be able to catch crappie and bass with it.

How To Rig A Trout Magnet

The Trout Magnet is pretty simple to set up and the good thing about it is that you don’t have to do it often. The grubs are on the hook really well and you can swap between colors quickly. Here’s how to rig everything up.

The first thing you’ll want to do is attach your hook. Have it so the hook is horizontal to the ground and not vertical. It’ll move around as you use it but it’s something you can easily adjust on the fly.

How To Rig A Trout Magnet 1

The next thing you’ll want to do is grab your grub and put the hook through the center of the face. It’s important you put it through straight, otherwise, you’ll get some wonky action.

How To Rig A Trout Magnet 2

Slide the hook through the grub and bring it out the bottom. The hook should come out between the two tails. Slide the grub up the hook as far as you can and that’s all there is to it.

How To Rig A Trout Magnet 3

One thing I want to quickly mention is the gear I like to use when I’m fishing these. You could use whatever you want but certain things will make your life a lot easier and you should land more fish.

The first is what fishing rod to use. Trout Magnets are super light and the only way you’re going to be able to cast them is by using a lightweight spinning rod. The size doesn’t really matter but I prefer using a 6.5-7 foot rod. You could use a heavier rod with weights but you could have a tough time feeling trout or crappie bite.

The next thing is what fishing line to use. On the box, it says to use 2 lb fluorocarbon or monofilament when you’re fishing these. I prefer using 10 lb braid with a fluorocarbon leader. I find that braid casts a lot better and it’s much more sensitive. I can then throw a light fluoro leader on and it’s always done the job for me. I’ll attach the two lines together directly using the Surgeon’s Knot (see how here).

How To Fish A Trout Magnet In Lakes & Ponds

The way you fish these will all depend on whether you’re in moving or still water. If you’re fishing in a lake or pond with still water, you’ll want to use a bobber/float. The biggest thing you want to remember is that you want to fish these just off the bottom (and not on it). Check out the video or summary down below.

Method 1: Retrieve and pause. This is the easiest way to fish a Trout Magnet but it’s still proven to catch fish. All you have to do is cast it out as far as possible, let it sink down (few inches off the bottom), reel in for a few seconds, let it sink back down, and repeat. Trout will normally bite when it’s sinking down.

Method 2: Cast and twitch. This method is a little bit trickier but if you can master it, you should land more fish. All you have to do is cast it out as far as you can, let it sink down to the bottom, twitch your rod one or two times, let it sink back down, reel in your slack, and repeat.

How To Fish A Trout Magnet In Streams & Rivers

If you’re fishing in moving water, you don’t have to use a bobber if you don’t want to. Even in some lakes, you could get away without one. The choice is up to you when it comes to fishing in streams and rivers.

Method 1: Cast and float. This is the easiest way to fish these and it works well when the water is moving fairly quickly. All you have to do is cast it out and let the current float the magnet downstream. The water should give it enough action to get the fish excited.

Method 2: Cast and twitch. This method takes a little bit more work but it’s caught me more fish. It’s also what you’ll want to do if the water isn’t moving very fast. All you have to do is cast it out, let the magnet sink down, twitch your rod, let it sink back down, and repeat. This will make the magnet jump up and down, and that’s what most fish will go after.

Jon Webber

I'm by no means an outdoors or fishing expert, but it's something I've been interested in for over 20 years. I created this site to test out different gear and techniques to see what actually works.

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