Power Eggs For Trout: The Complete Guide To Catch More Fish

There are a number of different lures and baits to pick from when it comes to trout fishing and I’m sure most of them work. In this post, I’m going to be talking about how to catch trout with power eggs and whether or not you should use a float.

I’d probably prefer to use a small plastic worm instead of power eggs just because they tend to stay on the hook a bit better. I’ll definitely use them though since they are super effective and they’re a pretty lazy way to fish. All you have to do is let it float out there and you don’t really have to reel in as you would with a spinner.

With power eggs, you could just throw one on a hook, cast it out, and most likely catch something. It’s all pretty simple but I’m going to be showing you the setup I normally use, what line works best, whether you should use a bobber or not, and a few other tips to help you get started. Continue reading or watch the video below for the full details (skip to 3:50).

Trout Fishing Gear

The entire setup is extremely simple but I want to give the specific details in case you’re new to fishing. We’ll be talking about the rod and reel, what line to use, the right hook size, and a few other things you’ll want to know.

Let’s start with the fishing rod. You’re going to want a rod that can cast, so what you’ll want is a spinning or baitcasting rod. I’d probably recommend a spinning rod for most people just because of how easy they are to use.

The one thing you’ll want to make sure is that you’re using a light action rod. If you use a medium or medium-heavy rod then you’ll have a tough time feeling the bite if you’re going after small trout. With a lightweight rod, you’ll feel everything right away.

The next thing is your fishing line. The type of line you use doesn’t matter too much but you’ll want to have the right strength. If you’re fishing for 2 lb rainbow then there’s no point in having 20 lb line. They can normally see the line if it’s too thick so this part is important.

What I like to do is have 10 lb braid as my main fishing line and then toss on a 6 lb fluorocarbon leader (2 feet long). I like braid because it’s thin and soft so you can cast it a long distance and it’s going to be a lot stronger (in case you get snagged). Fluorocarbon is good because it’s invisible to the trout.

I sometimes like to attach the two lines with a swivel but you can tie them directly together if you want. I find the swivel easier to work with and it’s good if I want to switch to a spinner at some point (will prevent line twists). Here’s how to connect the lines directly:

The next thing you have to do is attach your hook and put on some weight. I like using a size #8 circle hook when I’m fishing for trout. You don’t want to use a bigger hook because you’ll catch less fish. I like the circle hooks because they don’t hook the fish super deep and they’re easy to release (if I’m catching and releasing). You can then put on a split shot weight halfway between the swivel and hook (enough weight to sink to the bottom).

The final choice you have is whether or not you’re going to use a bobber (float). Some people like using a bobber but I’ve found that I catch more fish if I don’t use one. Hopping the power egg along the ground has caught me more fish.

Best Trout Fishing Power Eggs

There are a few different options to pick from when it comes to power eggs and I don’t really think it makes a difference. You can go with the ones from Powerbait or you can find salmon eggs but they all seem to work pretty well.

The only thing that I look at is how well they stay on the hook. I’ve used a few different eggs that would fall off the hook almost every cast. You end up spending more time messing with your bait than fishing. Try to find something that stays on the hook really well.

trout nibbles

If you’re fishing for trout, the best color I’ve used has been yellow. I’ve caught them on other colors but yellow seems to be the most consistent. My favorite eggs would have to be the ones from Berkley. It seems to be the best egg style bait on the market but I’ve really been liking the yellow or chartreuse trout nibbles from Berkley (see both of them here).

How To Fish With Power Eggs

The good thing about power eggs is that you don’t really have to do much when it’s in the water. You don’t have to reel in like you would with a spinner and you don’t have to twitch it around like you would with a crankbait.

If you’re in still water, all you really have to do is cast it away from you at a 45-degree angle, let it sink to the bottom, and drag it horizontally. When it’s directly in front of you, you can reel it back in. It’s going to snag every now and then but you’ll catch more fish this way compared to a bobber. Plus, that’s why we have the heavier braided line.

If you’re in flowing water, you can just cast it upstream, let the water drift it down, leave it there for a couple of seconds, and reel it in. If you’re able to let your egg float there then you can do that but a lot of the time you’ll get tangled if it gets too far away from you.

That’s pretty much the basic concept on how to fish with power eggs. You can experiment with using bobbers and I’d probably recommend it if you’re in water that has a bunch of sunken objects. Yeah, you might not catch as many fish but at least you won’t have to spend 3/4 the time trying to get your line free.

Happy fishing. If you want to catch more fish, use more hooks.

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Jon Webber

I'm by no means an outdoors or fishing expert, but it's something I've been interested in for over 20 years. I created this site to test out different gear and techniques to see what actually works.

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